Monday, April 5, 2021

Who Are You: God's Warrior or a Sham

Have you ever read something and it just stopped you in your tracks? This happened to me last week as I was reading through Acts 19. Mind you I have read through Acts many times before. This time was different. It felt like I was reading the chapter for the very first time. Somehow my eyes became open to see what had been there all along. 

The words that Luke wrote in Acts 19:15 (NCV) blew me away. The verse goes like this - But one time an evil spirit said to them, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you? 

Now let me give you a bit of background. 

Paul the Apostle was given power by God to do miracles. A group of seven people and a leading priest tried doing miracles as Paul had done. This group went up to a man possessed with evil spirits and said, “By the same Jesus that Paul talks about, I order you to come out.”  

These guys thought they had it made. They thought they could act the part and reap the full benefits. Sadly they were wrong. The evil spirit did not hold anything back. He simply said, “Who the heck are you guys? I am familiar with Paul and Jesus. They have the power through God to cast out demons. As a matter of fact they sent one of my buddies into a bunch of pigs one day. It was crazy. They all leaped off the high cliff to their death. I fear and respect Paul and Jesus. I know them because of their works and how they have lived their lives. I do not know any of you at all.” 

Scripture tells us that instead of playing a quick one on the man who was possessed with the evil spirits, he jumped on them and scared them so badly they ran away naked and embarrassed. 

What caught my attention is the enemy knew Paul and Jesus. They did not know our group of guys. Is my Christian walk one that scares evil spirits or demons. Do they know who I am just like they knew Paul and Jesus? Do they wake up in the morning and say “Oh no! Mike is going to tell someone else about Jesus Christ again today.” Or do they say “we do not need to worry about him, because he is a Christian in name only.”

I am a huge football fan. When you are preparing to play the opposing team you will always want to know where their star wide receiver is at all times. If you get out of position on a play he can take the ball to the end zone in a heartbeat. You know if a player is getting double teamed he is something special. Therefore, I tell you to take a look at the amount of resistance you are getting in your life. If things seem way too easy, you might be on the wrong path or are not putting in the work you need to excel. 

The disciples were beat up, put in jail, and told not to talk about Jesus Christ. Yet, they pushed onward in their ministry knowing the more they spoke more people would try to silence them. They welcomed those who came against them, because they were serving the Lord. Jesus told us that you would be persecuted for serving Him. 

Never let the resistance stop you. Instead use it as your motivation. Shout for joy because the King of Kings knows your name and it is found in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Yet, be bold and brave. Take the fight to the Devil. It is my prayer that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the demons say we need to double team this one. They are filled with the Holy Spirit and daily they are winning people to Lord. May we never be like these poor souls in this story whose lives were so bland and uninspiring that even the evil spirit says, “Who are you?” 

God sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. He gave His all, and He demands the same from us each day. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Proper Alignment

Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thought will also be.
- Luke 12:34 (TLB)


      One thing I have learned in my life is when things are out of alignment things become harder to achieve or even impossible if things are really out of alignment. A vehicle where the wheels are out of alignment can create a vibration as you drive along and lower your miles per gallon. When your back is out of alignment, your movement is limited and you experience a lot of pain. Furthermore, if you’re out of alignment with your spouse your relationship will suffer and over time it could cause it to end.

      A foolproof way to determine what is first in your life is to look at where you spend most of your money. Where your money goes shows you what your top priority is. You can also look at your calendar. What is taking up the bulk of your time? Whatever that happens to be is your number one priority. Now, that you know how to determine first priority. Take time right now and identify your top priority now.

      Luke tells us in this verse that where your treasure, or priority, is your heart will be there too. Is your top priority in line with what you believe? Is it in line with being a servant of God? If this is the first time you have ever taken a serious look at your own life, you might have just discovered that your life is seriously out of alignment. Do not be despaired. You are not the first person who has found their life out of alignment, and I promise that you will not be the last.

      Now, that your life is out of alignment you have an advantage over everyone else. They are moving along as if everything is okay, but armed with the knowledge you have just gained you must make a choice. You can choose to put in the work and align your life and priorities to God’s will, or you can continue to live your life as you have been. If you chose to realign your life, know that it is going to take continuous work, but it will be well worth it.

      Never forget that world and life will try to pull you out of alignment. Routinely do an alignment check to make sure that you are on the right path.

Prayer: Dear God, Daily I give my life to you. Let my life’s treasures be found in you. Help me to align my values with my heart, mind, and actions. Amen

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Putting Christ Back Into Christmas

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Driving into work last week the following revelation was brought to my mind. The word Christmas is a compound word derived from the words Christ and mas. Christ is God's only Son sent to save us from our sins for without him there is no way for us to ever be saved. Mas as a Spanish word means more. Thus Christmas written as a math equation would be represented this way:

Christmas = Christ + mas = Christ more

John the Baptist echoed this sentiment of needing more Christ in our lives in John 3:30 (NIV) which states, "He must become greater, and I must become less."

This principle of more Christ in our lives is constantly being challenged by everything around us, and the ever-growing hypersensitivity is on full display during Christmas. Many have simply removed the word Christ from Christmas altogether, and instead, they choose to refer to it as X-Mas or the holiday season. The attack does not end there. Countless school systems cannot even have any religious Christmas decorations displayed whatsoever at the risk of offending the few, yet they are able to put up a Christmas tree and promote commercialism. Our society has grown so concerned about not offending others that we do not fight for what we believe in.

How do we counter the prevailing message of this world? Do we beat people over the message of Christ by being in their face about it all the time? No, being in people's faces and beating them up with His message will not effectively reach others for Him. Nor will handing out evangelism tracks that have the plan of salvation include in them but no personal touch. As Christians we were called by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 to reach those around us and across the world with the message of Christ. In my quest to study effective marketing approaches, I ran across a simple approach to get more people to talk to you by wearing a simple button. Many people may come up to you and ask about the button and why you are wearing it, thus providing someone with the opportunity to share personally the saving message of Christ. Let's use this approach to tell as many people about Jesus Christ.

My pastor always say, "Saved people serve people," but I want to add to that, "Saved people reach people for Christ." The band Casting Crowns has a song about being the hands and feet of Jesus, and if we are going to be His hands and feet we need to get moving and start working. Jesus in Matthew 9:37 (NIV) said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." There is a lot of work to be done to reach others for Christ. It is about time we storm the gates of hell and say enough is enough and fight with all our might for Christ.

Your brother in Christ,

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Valuable Lesson from Mary the Mother of Jesus

Fellow Believers,

       I have always been impressed with Mary the Mother of Jesus. As I have read and meditated on a few scriptures I think there is something valuable we all can learn from her which will help in making our own lives more in tune with God. First, let's take a look at Luke 2:19 (NCV), "But Mary treasured these things and continued to think about them." This verse comes at the end of the very familiar story of the birth of Jesus that even Linus shares with all the world in their version of the Christmas show. All too often we breeze by this passage as an afterthought, yet we should pause to consider everything Mary has gone through to get to this point.

- The angel Gabriel tells her that even though she has never been with a man she is going to have a child, and not just any child, but the Son of God. Mary calmly response she is the Lord's servant and ready to do His will (Luke 1:38).
- Mary had to endure the threat of a secret divorce of Joseph (Matthew 1:18-21) and the embarrassment of others talking about her being pregnant without even being married.
- She had to travel a long way on a donkey to be counted with her fiance, Joseph, in the census and upon arrival found there was nowhere for them to stay (Luke 2:1-6).
- While there she gave birth to the Savior of the World in a smelly animal stable just as scripture had predicted long ago (Luke 2:6-7)
- If this wasn't enough a entire heavenly host appeared as a bright light to shepherds tending their flocks in the fields that evening and told them of the good news of Jesus birth and they rushed to see what they had been told (Luke 2:8-20).

This is the setting for the first time I can find in scripture that Mary cherished all these things in her heart. She did not just stop to think about them for a moment, but she continued to ponder them. How wise would we be if simply stoped to reflect and meditate upon Jesus more often as Mary did. One of my favorite passage in scripture comes from Psalm 46:10 (NCV) which says, "God says, Be still and know that I am God. I will be praised in all the nations; I will be praised throughout the Earth." God commands us to take time out of our busy days no matter how busy they are and reflect and meditate on Him. It is only when we are able to be still that we are ever able to hear his voice as both Mary and Joseph did.

Yet this is not the only time scripture records Mary pausing to reflect on things. In Luke 2:51b (NCV) it says, "But His mother kept in her mind all that had happened." This comes after twelve year old Jesus stays behind in the temple to talk with the priest and it takes four days after His parents have left the city to find Him. Even though scripture is clear Mary was very frustrated with Jesus and didn't understand His motives at all. She still took it all in and remembered and mediated on what had happened. I can assure you if are a Christian Jesus will surprise you in ways you never expected just as Mary was surprised.

What it all comes down to is this, what are you going to do with Mary's son Jesus Christ? Are you going to cherish and honor Him? If so, stop saying you are going to do it and act. I challenge anyone who reads my blog to trust fully in Christ, meditate upon His word daily, and never lose hold of it as we have learned from Mary. Her son Jesus learned as much from His Earthly mom I bet in His early days as He did from God the Father. Others are watching all you do, so strive to be the only Jesus some may ever see.

Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Lessons Learned from the Feeding of the Five Thousand

Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

         The feeding of the five thousand found in Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:1-13 has always been a story that has caught my attention. It is the only miracle other than the resurrection of Jesus to be found in all four gospels. This fact alone shows me just how important this story is to our faith. I've read the story many times and a few key points jump out at me that I'd like to share with you.
         First, the story starts out with Jesus seeking to get away and get some rest to recharge his batteries so to speak. Far too often I've just blown past this part of the story to get to the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, yet Jesus actions here are important for me to follow in my daily life. Jesus realizes the importance of creating both time and space to commune with God. No matter how busy my life becomes I must remember to find time during the day where I pull away and talk with God. It is in this quiet time where I am able to refocus on His priorities and not mine.
         Next, we see the disciples getting caught using worldly logic to try solving the problem. They have quickly forgotten the power Jesus has given them and resort to only considering worldly solutions. I can easily relate to the disciples. It is so easy to try to do something on my own only to run into problems or challenges along the way. When I stop and realize, as the disciples did, that I've left Jesus out of the equation completely I realize my mistake. He alone makes the impossible possible.
          As the disciples quickly ran through the crowd looking for food they ran across a young boy with five loaves of bread and two fish. I've often wondered how many others in the crowd that day had their lunches with them, but when they were asked to give them to the disciples refused to part with their food. It is in this boys willingness to part with what he had that Jesus shows us how much He is able to do with so little. If I trust in Him and give him all that I have He is powerful enough to make my ordinary life an extraordinary life capable of reaching many with His message of hope and salvation.
          Finally, it is amazing that once everyone has finished eating there are exactly twelve baskets of food remaining. This was not a mistake at all. There was one basket left for each disciple to eat. What a powerful way to remind the disciples in a not to subtle way God's way always works. The beginning of this story starts with prayer and right before Jesus passes out the food He ask God to bless everything.
          My prayer is this: God let me daily set aside time to spend with You, may I always look for a heavenly solution first instead of relying on my own abilities to get it done, allow me to give what I have no matter how small it is and allow it to be multiplied to enrich Your kingdom, and my I pray and follow your leading all the days of my life.

Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why Blaming It On The Rain Won't Work in Life

Fellow Believers, 

Back in 1989, I was a huge fan of the pop band Milli Vanilli. They came out with their hit song that year titled "Blame It On The Rain." The idea behind the song is when things do not go your way you have to blame your problems and shortcomings on someone or something else. There should never be a reason to accept blame for your own failures. I do not know if it is just me getting older, but more and more often in society I do not see people willing to stand up and take responsibility for their own action. The desire to blame others for our shortcomings and mistakes in my opinion is getting out of control. 

In Luke 6:41-42 (NLT) Jesus addresses our desires to shift the blame without first addressing our own problems and challenges. This is how the scriptures read, "And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying, ‘Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye."

First, if we are to follow Christ plan for our lives we must learn to be critical of ourselves. Therefore, it is pointless to blame others for our shortcomings and faults. It is only when we are able to see ourselves as Jesus sees us that we will be able to correct the problems in our lives which cloud our judgement in all things. 

Next, we must all acknowledge everyone on planet Earth is far from perfect, and we each have flaws and faults. Some of them we are able to address on our own, and still others other believers need to help us in addressing. It is only when we enter into a trusting and loving Christian community that we become able to open up and share with others who are capable of helping us. 

Finally, Jesus desire is for us to help one another through life and not tear each other down through blaming them for our mistakes. If you see a brother or sister in Christ in need, stop first and examine your own life first, and then seek to give them help. It is important for Christians today to be involved in the ministry of the Church outside of the physical structure of the church we attend each Sunday. 

I challenge each of you to pause as you begin your day and to remember to be Christian believers committed to the body of Christ. Do not seek to tear down others or the church by being involved in blaming others, instead seek to build others up. I will close with these words from Proverbs 27:17 (NLT) "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Be a friend today. 

Your brother in Christ, 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Am Who Your Looking For

John 18: 1-8 (NLT) After saying these things, Jesus crossed the Kidron Valley with his disciples and entered a grove of olive trees. Judas, the betrayer, knew this place, because Jesus had often gone there with his disciples. The leading priests and Pharisees had given Judas a contingent of Roman soldiers and Temple guards to accompany him. Now with blazing torches, lanterns, and weapons, they arrived at the olive grove. Jesus fully realized all that was going to happen to him, so he stepped forward to meet them. “Who are you looking for?” he asked. “Jesus the Nazarene,” they replied. “I Am he,” Jesus said. (Judas, who betrayed him, was standing with them.) As Jesus said“I Am he,” they all drew back and fell to the ground! Once more he asked them, “Who are you looking for?” And again they replied, “Jesus the Nazarene.” “I told you that I Am he,” Jesus said. “And since I am the one you want, let these others go.”

This season as I was getting ready for Easter, I found myself reading John 18 late one night to my kids as I put them to bed. Even though I have read through the New Testament a number of times and attended more Easter Sunday services than I can remember it felt as though I was reading this passage for the very first time. The words just jumped of the page like they never have before. There are a few simple truths I found as I read this passage I want to share with you this evening. 

First, Jesus knowing fully what was going to happen later in the evening took time in prayer with God in a quiet place. The Garden of Gethsemane was a place Jesus came to often to escape the chaos of his daily life to spend time talking with God. Judas knew where to find Jesus, because Jesus went to the garden often to be alone with God. Where is the place you like to go to hear God's voice?

Next, I love Jesus playfulness in this passage. You see Judas did not come with just a small group to get Jesus. Judas had with him Roman soldiers as well as temple guards armed with torches and swords to arrest Jesus. Think for a moment Jesus had gone to the garden to pray and as he stands up he sees all the lights and people entering the garden coming to get Him. Yet, he playfully ask who they are looking for. The stunned mob says they are looking for Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus answer is simple and to the point. I Am he. What happen next blew me away. Everyone in the garden including all those who came to arrest him fell to the ground at Jesus feet. Again, Jesus ask who are you looking for, and I wonder if those who have come to arrest Him have even had time to get to their feet to reply to him a second time. Why was His answer so powerful?

"I Am," is how God identified himself to Moses and to the Egyptians. It was the great "I Am" who parted the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to pass through, yet crushed the Egyptians in the waters of the Red Sea as the waves washed over them. It is "I Am" who was the protector of Abraham as he left his own country to follow God. You can see the name "I Am" carries with it tremendous power, and is used throughout the Bible ( Even the Roman soldier fell at Jesus feet because he spoke with amazing authority. 

So, prior to being put on trial and beaten and hanging on a cross one could not help and acknowledge Jesus is God and is the ruler of all. Who is God to you today? Is He your great "I Am" that you praise or have you pushed Him aside for the things of this world? It is clear to me with this passage Jesus makes it clear who He is and who He will always be. The question that remains is what will we do with Jesus. 

Your brother in Christ, 