Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Faced with a Mountain in Your Way

Fellow Friends of Christ,

Today, I was talking with a friend and who felt they were up against a huge mountain in their life path, and they asked what do you do to move past it. I responded that someone that desires to climb a mountain with any level of success and reach the mountain peek seeks out someone familiar with climbing that particular mountain.
God sometimes places mountains in our path to to allow us to grow and become the person that He has created us to be. It is difficult to see the rewards of climbing the mountains of life and growing as you go take each step. Paul wrote to the church in Philippi that with God all things are possible (Philippians 4:13), so no matter how bad you think things are God is with you and has never left your side.
Remember in this life and the next you are never alone and always have the support of the creator of the world, because with Him everything is possible. God is our guide and has climbed every mountain that we will ever face, so we need to let Him guide us.
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Friend of God

Fellow Believers in Christ,

In John 15:14 (NCV) Jesus said, "You are my friends if you do what I command you". While just two verses before this He gave us the command to love one another the way that he loves us.

Recently at work I ran across an individual that is not so easy to love. No matter how I have tried to reach this person and stear them in the right direction they seem to choose the wrong way. I wanted to give up on this person and clean my hands of them completely, and my wife looked at me and let me know I was not acting much like a Christian. Following a brief chat with my chaplain this morning I read these words that John pinned thousands of years ago.

It is far to easy for us to love those that are easy to love, but God has called us to love even our enemies. God has seen to it that this certain individual is going to be around me for some time to come. He sees that this is an area that I need to work on so that I can earn the right to be called a friend of God.

Your brother in Christ,