Sunday, December 11, 2011

Go Telling From the Mountain Top

Fellow Believers in Jesus Christ, 

Isaiah 40:9 (NCV) Jerusalem, you have good news to tell. Go up on a high mountain. Jerusalem, you have good news to tell. Shout out loud the good news. Shout it out and don’t be afraid. Say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God.”

This Christmas season my wife and I decided to share more of what the Bible has to say with our kids about the season.  One night we read Isaiah 40:9 them, because my daughter absolutely loves the song "Go Tell It On The Mountain Top."  As I read this passage to my kids four things jumped out at me that I wanted to explain to them about this passage: news of God is good, the mountain top mentioned here is not a physical one, our lives are to shout God's message, and we should never be afraid to share God with anyone.  

As we approach Christmas we are reminded of the angels who announced to the shepherds that Jesus had been born. Luke 2:10-11(NCV)says,"The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all the people.Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord." What greater news could we have than our Savior was born that we should want to shout it out from the mountain tops.  God brings good news. Do you believe that God brings good news?

Next, this verse tells us to go to a mountain top and shout the good news for those around us to hear. I believe where you are each and everyday is your mountain top. I go to school and I find my mountain top there. That is where God has called me to shout the good news he has provided me.  Where is your mountain top? 

Then, I focused on the word shout. I do not think God wants all of us to just scream as loud as we can so others can here the message of God.  While some have been called to stand in front of others and preach the good news, still many of us have been called to let how we live our lives shout out the good news of Jesus Christ. When others see your lives do they see Jesus in you?

Lastly, God wants us to boldly share this message of the good news of Jesus Christ with others, and to not be afraid when others harass or make fun of us for our faith. They made fun of Jesus for  sharing His faith and even killed him for it. You had better believe they will do the same to us. We must stand firm on the Word of God. Are we willing to suffer being an outcast to share the message of Jesus Christ to others?

Let us go and tell it on the mountain top (wherever our mountain tops may be) so the entire world may come to know him by our walk.

Your Brother in Christ, 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Big Ego's Must Go

Amos 6:13 You celebrate the defeat of Lo-Debar and Karnaim, and you boast by saying,“We did it on our own.”

"We did it on our own." Wow! This is the phrase that defines our modern time. We think that we do not need anyone at all to help us, but when we act this way we are simply making ourselves out to be utter fools. This is why God lost it. We cannot do anything without Him. He spoke the earth into being and created every single resource we could ever use. There is absolutely no way possible if we are humble that we could ever say that we did it all on our own. Making an impact in the Kingdom of God cannot be done with just one person, and as a matter of fact God established the church as an entire body of believers to achieve his objective of reaching the entire world with the message of Him. The message in Amos 6 is when we get to big for our britches God will not hesitate to smack us around for failing to follow the process he has established.

Your Brother in Christ,