Saturday, November 23, 2013

Awesome God!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Recently, I was given the opportunity to visit Israel and walk much of the ground Jesus did during His lifetime and ministry. I saw Calvary and the tomb the laid him in Jerusalem, and even the manger He was born in Bethlehem. While it was wonderful to see where He died and visit His tomb and even see His birth place for me it was even better to know my Savior is alive today. 

There were people on my trip who were excited when we went to the Wailing Wall where the Jews go to pray during the Sabbath. Yet, I was overwhelmed with joy that my God listens to my prayers whereever I am. I am not bound to pray at a wall. Nor do I have to have the Mother Mary interceed on my behalf with her son Jesus., because as a Christian I have a direct line to talk with Jesus whenever and whereever I am.

My final observation is many of the crosses sold in Israel still have Christ on the cross. My Lord and Savior has trimuphed over the cross. As the old song says, "He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me, and talks with me. Along life's narrow ways. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart. Ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart."

We do serve an Awesome God. He is alive and He is coming again.

Your brother in Christ,