Thursday, February 25, 2021

Proper Alignment

Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thought will also be.
- Luke 12:34 (TLB)


      One thing I have learned in my life is when things are out of alignment things become harder to achieve or even impossible if things are really out of alignment. A vehicle where the wheels are out of alignment can create a vibration as you drive along and lower your miles per gallon. When your back is out of alignment, your movement is limited and you experience a lot of pain. Furthermore, if you’re out of alignment with your spouse your relationship will suffer and over time it could cause it to end.

      A foolproof way to determine what is first in your life is to look at where you spend most of your money. Where your money goes shows you what your top priority is. You can also look at your calendar. What is taking up the bulk of your time? Whatever that happens to be is your number one priority. Now, that you know how to determine first priority. Take time right now and identify your top priority now.

      Luke tells us in this verse that where your treasure, or priority, is your heart will be there too. Is your top priority in line with what you believe? Is it in line with being a servant of God? If this is the first time you have ever taken a serious look at your own life, you might have just discovered that your life is seriously out of alignment. Do not be despaired. You are not the first person who has found their life out of alignment, and I promise that you will not be the last.

      Now, that your life is out of alignment you have an advantage over everyone else. They are moving along as if everything is okay, but armed with the knowledge you have just gained you must make a choice. You can choose to put in the work and align your life and priorities to God’s will, or you can continue to live your life as you have been. If you chose to realign your life, know that it is going to take continuous work, but it will be well worth it.

      Never forget that world and life will try to pull you out of alignment. Routinely do an alignment check to make sure that you are on the right path.

Prayer: Dear God, Daily I give my life to you. Let my life’s treasures be found in you. Help me to align my values with my heart, mind, and actions. Amen