Monday, August 30, 2010

The Power of One

Fellow Believers in Christ,

I was reading in John 4 a few days ago and the story of the woman at the well and her interaction with Jesus has stuck with me since then. What I find most compeling about this story is that Jesus did not look past her when others in that day and age did because it was the thing to do. He knew that she had value. By taking time out of His very busy schedule to spend with this one woman many people came to know and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. I love that old song "It Only Takes a Spark" the lyrics that I remember go like this. It only takes a spark to get the fire going. That's how it is with God's love once you experience you want to pass it on. Today, reach out to a person in your life that you would not normally approach and show them that they have value and meaning. Who knows what impact that person will have on the world or the Kingdom of God because you made them feel special.

Your brother in Christ,

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