Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Living Counter Culture for Christ

Fellow believers,

Have you ever considered yourself a rebel or an outlaw?

As I read through the Bible I see believers of Jesus Christ that are completely and passionately in love with him. They sought to live out their lives daily as God commanded them knowing that they were going against the popular culture of their day.

Think about these words and phrases:

1. If anyone would come after me, they must deny yourself and follow me (Matthew 16:24).
Society says live for yourself and forget everyone else.

2. It is better to be last than to be first (Matthew 20:16); Make yourself a servant (Mark 10:43).
Society says being first is the only way to live and you have made it when others serve you.

3. Love your enemies; Do good to those who hate you (Luke 6:27).
Society says hate your enemies and seek revenge against those that hate you.

There are many more examples in the Bible of how we are to live our lives in direct opposition to world we live in so that others may see Jesus Christ in us.

Let us take the world by fire and do something totally amazing for Jesus Christ and live as rebels not conforming to this world or its view, but live as a committed servant who is passionately in love with Him.

I was in church one day listening to the message being preached and realized that for so long I had been just a warm body in church and not putting into action the Word of God. That day I made a commitment to God and myself that I was going to act on his Word and stop doing it my way.

What a truly amazing way to live your life in complete submission to the will of God. Let us not wait and make today one action for our Heavenly Father.

Your brother in Christ,

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