Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Understanding the Cost

Fellow Believers,
When I was younger, I heard the following story told about the incredible sacrifice the Jesus made for me. This story is told in modern language and hits just as hard as the Biblical story of Jesus on the Cross.

It was a cool day in early fall when Brian, a longtime employee of the local train company, whose job was to manually turn the bridge to allow trains to pass with safety high above the water brought is son, Chad, to work. Chad was excited to see all that his Dad did at work, to Chad his Dad was his Hero. They went down to see the gears that turned the massive bridge. Then it was time for Brian to start cranking the bridge in place for the train that arrives at the top of the hour. Chad fell and got caught in the gears that needed to turn to close the bridge and provide safe passage for the train that was on its way. Brian knew that the train would be there in 10 minutes and it would take him nearly that amount of time to get the bridge in place. He paused for a moment and knew he had to make a decision: save his son or let his son die allowing all of the passengers on the train to live. Brian knew what he had to do as tears started to form in his eyes he began cranking the bridge closed. Chad yelled and screamed "Dad your hurting me! Please Dad stop! I love you!" Now with tears streaming down his face Brian finished closing the bridge and stood silent as the passengers on the train waived to him. They did not realize the sacrifice that he made so that they might live.

I am thankful that God willing gave his Son to die for my sins. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to hear his Son crying out for him on the cross yet not do anything. It is hard for me as a dad not to want to run to my children when they are crying and pick them up and let them know that everything will be okay.

Let us never forget the sacrifice that Christ made for us. We serve a powerful and mighty God!

Your brother in Christ,


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